Presenter: Alard Weisscher and Lucas Vroemen, Eumedianet BV, The Netherlands
Schedule: Wednesday 15th May, Meeting Room 5, 14:00 – 14:40
Audience: Researchers working with video observations for their behavioural analyses.
Content: We have developed our first basic version of Beats science coding together with the Behavioural Science faculty of the Erasmus university in The Netherlands to address the biggest shortcoming in their current solution: desktop licenses that require physical presence in the lab. Instead, we offer easy access via the web to a shared project space, so team members can upload and analyse videos anywhere they want. Because of the sensitive data, we use the same state-of-the-art digital rights management that companies like Netflix and Disney are using. Based on researcher input, we support often used analysis types and scores, multiple annotations per video with different rights (assistant vs researcher) and annotations for scores.
Since we are relatively new to this field, we look forward to hearing what you think and engaging in a lively discussion about how we can better fit your research needs.
We are very curious how researchers work nowadays with for example, fellow researchers on the other side of the planet. How they build teams, how you work together? Do you use AI? How are budgets allocated for these kinds of applications?
This hands-on tutorial will start with a short introduction of the rationale for developing the product. We will demonstrate how it works, what analysis styles are supported, what it does and does not do, and how it integrates with other analysis software. We will conclude with the opportunity to give feedback and suggestions for improvement.
The workshop will take 30 mins.