This general session follows the symposium on measuring behavior in and around the cockpit and takes place on Monday 15th May 14:00 – 14:40.
Chair: Andrew Spink
14:00 – 14:20 Esther Bosch – Beyond Snapshots: Validation of a Continuous Frustration Assessment in a Simulator and Real-World Setting
Certain methods require a continuous subjective rating of emotions rather than a single-instance rating per condition that is most often used. This paper presents a comparison of a during-study rated single-item Likert-scale frustration rating to an after-study continuous frustration rating in the setting of automated driving in a simulator and a real-world setting. We find a high correlation between mean after-study continuous rating and during-study Likert-Scale rating.
14:20 – 14:40 Stephen Provost – Identifying Team Process Behaviours of Clinical Nursing Teams Working on Lower-acuity Hospital Units
Team-based nursing has been promoted as a means to improve the quality of patient care and safety and has been widely implemented in the Australian health care system. However, there is a dearth of evidence pertaining to the validity of such claims, particularly in lower acuity units, such as general medical wards. We describe the development of theoretically coherent behavioural tool which would allow in situ assessment of team process behaviours.