Keynotes - Measuring Behavior
Measuring Behavior traditionally starts each day with a distinguished keynote speaker, covering between them the main focuses of the behavioral research community.
Anne-Marie Brouwer — Measuring Mental States
Anne-Marie Brouwer is Senior Scientist at TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Soesterberg) and full professor ‘Mental State Monitoring’ at Radboud University/Donders Centre in Nijmegen. Anne-Marie studied experimental psychology in Nijmegen and obtained her PhD on eye-hand coordination research in 2002 at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. Following post-docs at the Max Planck Institute in Tübingen and the University of Rochester (NY) she started working at TNO in 2007. Since 2007, her main topic of research is BCI and using brain and other physiological signals as potential sources of information about an individual’s cognitive and emotional state. She has a strong interest in methodology and was chair of the previous Measuring Behavior conference.
Robert Gerlai — What motivates zebrafish? Searching for effective unconditioned stimuli for appetitive associative learning tasks.
Robert Gerlai is the John Carlin Roder Distinguished Professor in Behavioural Neuroscience at the University of Toronto Department of Psychology and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Dr. Gerlai received his Ph.D. from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the highest distinction in 1989. He has held numerous academic positions in Europe and North America (Eötvös University of Budapest, Mount Sinai Hospital Research Institute of Toronto, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, University of Hawaii Honolulu), and he also held leadership positions in the US biotechnology and biopharmaceutical research industry working as a senior research scientist and Vice President (Genentech Inc. South San Francisco, Eli Lilly & Co. Indianapolis, Saegis Pharma Half Moon Bay) before joining University of Toronto in 2004 where he has been full professor at the Department of Psychology since 2008.
Albert Ali Salah — Designing Computational Tools for Behavioral and Clinical Science
Albert Ali Salah is a professor and chair of Social and Affective Computing at the Information and Computing Sciences Department of Utrecht University (The Netherlands) and adjunct professor at the Computer Engineering Department of Bogazici University (Turkey). He obtained his PhD in 2007 from Bogazici University, and worked at CWI, University of Amsterdam, Nagoya University, and Bogazici University, before initiating the Social and Affective Computing group at Utrecht. His research is broad, but mainly uses pattern recognition and machine learning for computer analysis of human (and non-human animal) behavior. The work of the Social and Affective Computing group looks at behavior at different scales, focusing on individual behaviors (such as facial expression analysis), dyadic and group behaviours (e.g. child-parent or patient-doctor interactions), and on computational social science (e.g. mobile phone based analysis of migration and mobility). Albert was the coordinator of the Data for Refugees (D4R) Challenge between 2016-2019. He currently serves in the Steering Boards of ACM ICMI and IEEE FG, as an associate editor of journals including IEEE Trans. Affective Computing, Pattern Recognition, and Int. Journal on Human-Computer Studies, and as VP Conferences for IEEE Biometrics Council. He is part of the recently initiated AI and Animal Welfare Lab at Utrecht University, which brings together researchers from Science and Veterinary Medicine faculties.
The draft schedule is available here.

At a Measuring Behavior meeting, you will find yourself among researchers from all fields of behavioral research: behavioral ecologists or neuroscientists, ethologists, developmental psychologists, ergonomists, human factors researchers, movement scientists, psychiatrists, psychophysiologists, toxicologists, usability testers, and others. While the research questions and applications may be highly diverse, what all delegates share is an interest in methods, techniques and tools for the study of behavior.