The full program schedule is now available here.
A one-page overview showing the sessions is available here.
You can find details of the venue here.
Last minute changes
This list contains all changes to the schedule announced from Monday 14th May onwards.
Wednesday 15th May
- Pralle Kriengwatana’s talk on acoustic features of laying hens is moved to Thursday.
Thursday 16th May
- Dan Schofield’s tutorial on computer vision tools on Thursday afternoon has been cancelled
- Michael Florea’s tutorial on DIY Home Cage will be on Thursday at 10:00 in Meeting Room 5
- Anna Zamansky’s talk on the Facial Landmark Scheme for dogs (Thursday 12:10) has been cancelled.
- Pralle Kriengwatana’s talk on acoustic features of laying hens from Wednesday will take place on at 12:20 in Room 4.
Friday 17th May
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